The Dan Bidondi Show - Breaking N.W.O. News, Prophecy & Spiritual Warfare (episode 9) LIVE Wednesday 9pm est Patriot Day & False Flags
The Dan Bidondi Show - Spiritual Warfare Friday Marathon 9pm est
Easter, Hades & Spiritual Warfare Marathon
Featuring: Dan Bidondi, Brian Reece, Jon Pounders and David Carrico TruthRadioShow, Visual Disturbance, FOJC Radio & Now You See TV Help Support Our Broadcast: Kofi Donation Page: PayPal CashApp @RealDanBidondi Venmo @Dan-Bidondi
The Dan Bidondi Show-Spiritual Warfare Friday LIVE: 10pm est
In The Grave - The Truth About The Crucifixtion of Christ & Easter Exposed
Hosts Dan Bidondi & Brian Reece debunk all the religious dogma about Easter. Then show the true Historical & Biblical narrative of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ/Yahushua Messiah. The truth the Catholic Church & most Mainstream Religions today do not want you to know!