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Site Updated As Of: 1-29-2025


Contact: Dan Bidondi
65 Manchester St. Suit 10
West Warwick, RI  02893

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The Dan Bidondi Show - Spiritual Warfare Friday LIVE 9pm est 1666 The Hidden Hand of The Illuminati & NWO

Special Guest: Jon Pounders-Host of the Midnight Ride on NYSTV will be joining Hosts Dan Bidondi & Brian Reece in exposing one of the most evil Kabbalistic plots ever created in the history of mankind, the false Messiah and the emergence of Jewish Mysticism, the Order of The Illuminati, Freemasonry, and every major secret society in recent history that is paving the way for the coming Hellish New World Order.

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The Dan Bidondi Show - Spiritual Warfare Friday LIVE 10pm est

Catholic Babylon The Unholy Roman Empire Exposed

Join Dan Bidondi, Brian Reece & Trey Harris In exposing one of the greatest deceptions in history, the Harlot of Babylon. "The Scarlet Church" That Rides The Beast. (Viewer descretion is advised) From it's Babylonian origins to hi-jacking the Christian movement by Constantine, to it's unbiblical holidays to its blashpemous Popes, from changing Biblical set times to the false worship of Mary, from the dark ages during the Inquisition how they masacred millions of Christians, Protestants and Jews, from the creation of the Muslim relgion, to the Paganism routes, priests of Dagon, their false gods & goddesses adorned all throughout the Vatican and their temple of the serpent. The massive child scandal coverups and more. The Jesuit corruption and its hand in every sinister and evil plot throughout recent history. This church has billions of members being mislead and is the front leaders of the New World Order's Anti-Christ one world religion called the Ecumenical Movement that's being pushed by the United Nations and every religious leader of the planet to usher in a one world religion and government that brings forth the Anti-Christ and his New World order. We will be laying down the heavy sauce, tell all expose all! **THIS IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO BASH OR DISCRIMINATE CATHOLICS MEMBERS** This is to simply wake them up to the Biblical truth and bring them to the real Jesus of the Bible. We love and respect people who are Catholic but need to inform them that they are under a mass spell of deception by the very leaders of "the (false) church" and Satan himself. We bring this message out of love in the name of Jesus Christ Yahushua Messiah.

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Spiritual Warfare Friday
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